Thursday, January 21, 2010

Oklahoma Ambulance Services Was Husband Wrongfully Terminated According To Oklahoma Laws?

Was husband wrongfully terminated according to Oklahoma laws? - oklahoma ambulance services

Husband worked for a company in Colorado, used by employees to work in Oklahoma. He worked on an oil rig. While the man was unconscious and had to work with what other workers set, said the ambulance and the hospital. The company said he could not work before the diagnosis and treatment of back. They have made many tests and no diagnosis or cure. This happened only 1 time, and the doctors say it was because of stress. There has been continuous, has advantages, now the word is (was). Given that about 19 Held September we have found that the holes Super. turn-over, but reinstated, when a job opens. Is there anything legally can, what will be done is that he is entitled to any pay while he tries to find a solution? The company wants to do him a full neurological to have, but who will pay for it? If I can help someone, please, I would be glad answer.


Teekno said...

No, he was unfairly dismissed.

Had a seizure, without explanation, and a job that the crisis could kill him and his colleagues. The corporate responsibility to do is keep away from the towers until they find a medical explanation of what happened and why, and not a guarantee, not that it will again happen.

Have been marked as a "rehired" because they want to, stating that his dismissal was motivated to return and - if you can prove it is safe.

And no, the employer is not obligated to pay for medical evidence that her husband does not work in a position again.

sensible... said...

You have to pay for the test if you want to continue this kind of work. The work was not the cause of the seizure, which the Company has no responsibility to pay for it. You have the right to refuse to someone who can be a danger to themselves or others at a workplace.

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