Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Concrete Planter Boxes A Car Ran Into Our Yard, AAA Auto Insurance Company Won’t Pay For Permanent Damages To My Tree…?

A car ran into our yard, AAA Auto Insurance Company won't pay for permanent damages to my tree…? - concrete planter boxes

A car in our front yard, "said the driver report to the police that he was asleep at the wheel of what (with 2 hours). The car was hit and caused damage to our: grass, on every page, mail, cement first pot and fencing has been substantial damage to a brick planter that contains a tree), mature (30 years, damaged the tree.

We are told that the tree is abundant and survive, but its bark by the impact of the car removed permanently harm, frighten, and distortion of the tree. The new growth on the tree can never cover the damage. No growth is increasingly in areas where the crust was carried away by the impact of the car.

I rented an arborist, the one U.S. dollars figure on the loss of value placed causes permanent scarring and disfigurement of the tree. The insurance company refused, the amount of financial compensation for the loss of value to pay for the tree (who are willing to cover the cost of cutting the transition zone between the crust and the rest of the set (l 'pay Bears) made of wood. The Insurance is willing to pay for others to dAmager (fences, lawn and repair the brick planters), but not for the loss of the value of the trees. We also had to (not replace repair) to the brick planters with my own money because the repair is not with the other.
Is it worth the money for permanent visual damage to a mature tree like, is located directly in front of my door?
Before I contacted the AAA auto insurance, I need to know the most effective / best way to get an amount of compensation for permanent damage or shock to the tree for free. What are the things I say or write to the insurance company?
What can I do before filing in small claims court?
I can also at the small claims court? Is it the driver, the owner of the car and the insurance or who?


mallicoa... said...

This is a perfect example of how the rights of people get injured every day, and people always torn ... the best thing you can do is, a lawyer for the insurance company have sent a letter to signify his head long letter with a fancy name it, they say .. The difference would be that they do not screw you, because you have someone to protect of their rights ... The difficulty is that in today's society does not make sense to pay a lawyer $ 200 per hour for the work of a few hundred dollars. It sucks that it is cheaper to get started and ran in some people cause coals know there's nothing you can do this because they realize the same thing. To ensure that this happens ever again to protect my "his family" blog on Yahoo 360 and get the access they deserve their rights. In this particular case, it can still help. If you want to know how to contact me personally ....

monkey f said...

This will be the rules of the state must, but the damage, the tree must be covered by liability insurance in other parts of the vehicle. They seem to leave their best to get an estimate of costs and appropriate treatment of the tree, which will look good in court. You can support your insurance service for the state to seek and which can give advice, you withered must go through arbitration take cover or go to small claims in this case, if the loss of the AAA is charged in addition to tree damage. Waste of time (working time going to court) and court costs. Good luck to you. Most insurance departments of the State are very useful.

precious... said...

What is really sad, thank God, not ripped from his hiding cortex.

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