Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Can You Catch Warts From Brazilian Wax What Are All The Ways My Boyfriend Can Catch Anal Warts From Me?

What are all the ways my boyfriend can catch anal warts from me? - can you catch warts from brazilian wax

I was recently diagnosed with anal warts. I see no signs of the virus, but I know it. What preventive measures, in addition to, can not have sex, I suppose, to not be infected?


Balki said...

Condoms dude. You do not want to give them. Receive by oral, anal, and you can even clean a $ $ spreading. You can ask the doctor whether they are microscopically small, but if so, you can laser.

Ayanami Z said...

Ask your doctor about its spread. With a liquid from its anus? The waters? You need to know how they can take appropriate action prior to dissemination. But basically it is safe for now on your hands or have nothing, anywhere near his naked step. Until you get a confirmation of their spread by physical contact or the transfer of fluids through the skin, that's all I advise you to do.

Otherwise, consult a physician.

midnite said...

say, the belt twice, and finally can u want to use KY 2

midnite said...

say, the belt twice, and finally can u want to use KY 2

bluegurl... said...

to use a condom, or you can ask your doctor for help. Ask a doctor can be a good idea.

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