Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Acupuncture Depression Has Anyone Ever Tried Acupuncture To Treat Depression?

Has anyone ever tried acupuncture to treat depression? - acupuncture depression

Let me try, and I want to know if it applies in general? Moreover, have you ever tried any other use of Chinese medicine to treat mental disorders? Thank you.


Limo said...


I have the Chinese acupuncture after nerologists times
Year for migraine, which were out of control. Acupuncture
immediately helped and migraine finally went away.

I linked to a site that describes the benefits of the Chinese
Acupuncture and depression.

Make sure that the Chinese acupuncture, not someone who used
so treated as alternative medicine. Chinese doctors have
She grew up with their culture and know-how
and believe.

I hope you get help. It has changed my life.


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